* Link for the LATTICE fellowship Spring 2021 Orientation
Due to the gracious support of the Dean of the Michigan State University Graduate School and our sponsors, LATTICE can support the work of graduate students and educators with fellowships for the 2020-2021 academic year.
LATTICE Fellowship’s objective
To propose and implement a project that is relevant to the core Mission and Vision of LATTICE.
LATTICE Mission statement
LATTICE is a learning community and international network that cultivates and supports global perspectives and identities in K-12 classrooms through personal and professional development opportunities.
LATTICE Vision statement
LATTICE will promote a safe and dynamic learning community to share ideas, develop personal relationships and explore controversial topics that permit members to gain global understanding and appreciation of similarities and differences within nationalities, cultures, religions, ethnicities, gender, ages, and professional pursuits.
Awarded projects must include
The objectives of the project and the guiding question/topic/issue to solve
1. Must be global
2. It can be research, curricular/pedagogical, or an event. Other ideas can be considered as well (e.g., school counselors or other educators might have different ideas for meaningful projects)
3. It can be any discipline or grade level
2. The people involved
1. Must include at least one graduate student and one K-12 educator.
2. We encourage engaging other LATTICE members in a meaningful collaboration
3. The target audience for implementing the project and how it will be incorporated into K-12 classrooms
4. Timeline/plan of action and implementation during the spring semester of 2021
5. Description of deliverable or outcome to be reported in the May session.
The fellowship committee is free to award projects beyond these categories as long as they contribute to the LATTICE mission and vision.
Terms of Award
-Award amounts
For graduate students: $500 - $1,000 (depending on the number of applicants)
For K-12 teachers or educators: $250
Note: The LATTICE Board agreed that it is fair for graduate students to receive a higher amount because most of them are volunteering their time (i.e., not on salary)
-Two installments
1. Upon approval for your group’s application (after your group submits an application form) (1/2)
2. Upon turning in a mini-report by April 26th (2/2)
Applicant Eligibility
Be enrolled as a full-time graduate student at MSU for the spring 2021 semester or be a K-12 educator (teacher, school counselors, principal, among others).
Be an active LATTICE member, which means having attended at least two sessions over Spring 2021).
Note: If you can’t attend, contact LATTICE Graduate Assistant to see alternatives. (Jeong-Yeon Park, parkje13@msu.edu)
3. Please note that there are two installments for this fellowship as it is mentioned above. (You will receive a full amount of award after you submit your group’s mini-report by the deadline.)
4. Once awarded a fellowship, be able to present your proposed project in our LATTICE May session in May 2021
Application Procedure
Applicants for the LATTICE Fellowship must complete and submit the application form and any other materials (by February 5th) by e-mail to the LATTICE Session Director at lattice@msu.edu and cc to lurie.robert@gmail.com.
The due date for application proposals: February 5th
Proposal review: before the February session