Welcome to the LATTICE Sessions!
<2023-2024 LATTICE Session Calendar>
<2022-2023 LATTICE Session Calendar>
2023 Spring Semester
Thursday, January 19, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: “Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran”
Guest Speaker: Dr. Maryam Naghibolhosseini (Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders), Dr. Parisa Kordjamshidi (Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering)
No session recording
Thursday, February 16, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
Thursday, March 16, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
Thursday, April 13, from 4:00-5:30pm EST -> Thursday, April 20, from 4:00-5:30pm EST (the date of an event has been changed)
2022 Fall Semester
Thursday, September 29, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: “Global Food Security and Equity”
Guest Speaker: Dr. Kurt Richter (MSU’s Department of Global Sustainability, Global Center for Food Systems Innovation and Grain Research and Innovation Project (GRAIN))
Thursday, October 27, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: “What’s on your shelf? What all K-12 teachers should know about multicultural literature”
Guest Speaker: Marisol Masso (Ph.D. candidate, College of Education at MSU)
Thursday, November 17, from 12:30-3:15PM EST (School session)
The Topic: “Bouncing Back: challenges and successes of post-pandemic education” A student perspective.
No session recording
The schedule for the Fellowship informational session has been changed from November 6 to October 16, Monday, from 4:30-6 p.m. ET. Please refer to the updated flyer on the left.
<2022 LATTICE Spring Session Calendar>
2022 Spring Semester (All Virtual Sessions except the last session in May)
Wednesday, January 19, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Movement Toward Full Inclusion: Histories from the US and South Africa"
Guest Speaker: Dr. Dominick Quinney (Assistant professor at Albion College and Interim Director of the Ethnic Studies Program)
Wednesday, February 9, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: "In The Room Where It Happens DEI In Action in Our Public Schools: Mission, Goals, Progress"
Guest Speakers: Lara Slee, Okemos Schools; Klaudia Burton, East Lansing Schools; Matt Morales, Holt Schools; Bryan Beverly, MSU College of Education
Wednesday, March 2, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: "Ukraine: Learn in, Teach in"
Guest Speakers: Dr. Matthew Pauly (MSU Russian and Eastern European History), John Vsetecka (from Poland), Raphaela Schlicht-Schmalzle (LATTICE board member, from Germany), Anna Podlesna (from Slovakia), Madison Underwood (RPCV Ukraine)
Wednesday, March 23, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: “The History of Antisemitism: Global and Local Perspectives”
Guest Speakers: Dr. Amy Simon (Endowed Chair of Holocaust Studies and Jewish History, MSU), Dr. Kirsten Fermaglich (Department of History, Jewish Studies, MSU), Dr. Yael Aronoff (Director, Serling Institute for Jewish Studies and Modern Israel, and Professor of International Relations in James Madison College, MSU)
Wednesday, April 13, from 4:00-5:30 PM EST
The Topic: “Revisiting Ukraine: disparity in treatment between refugee groups”
Guest Speakers: Dr. Stephanie Nawyn (Department of Sociology, Director of Center of Gender in a Global Context)
Final Session (In-person event!), Wednesday, May 4, from 4:30-6:30 PM EST (Happy hour 6:30 PM-)
The Topic: LATTICE Awards!
<2021/2022 LATTICE Fall Sessions>
September 29, 2021 (12:00 pm-3:00 pm EST) - The first virtual Global LATTICE check-in and conversation
The topic: "Intro to Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" at MSU Credit Union
October 27, 2021 (12:00 pm-3:00 pm EST) - The second virtual Global LATTICE check-in and conversation
The topic: “Local exchange students' experience in the U.S.” at MSU Credit Union
<2020/2021 LATTICE Sessions>
February 24, 2021 (1:00 pm-2:30 pm EST) - The fifth virtual Global LATTICE check-in and conversation
The topic: “Having Difficult Conversations: How to Talk and Listen in the Classroom” / Dr. Jane Lo
January 27, 2021 (1:00 pm-2:30 pm EST) - The fourth virtual Global LATTICE check-in and conversation
The topic: Teaching on Days After: Dialogue & Resources for Educating Toward Justice / Dr. Alyssa Dunn
December 9, 2020 (1:00 pm-3:00 pm EST) - The third virtual Global LATTICE check-in and conversation
The topic: Part1. "Social-Emotional Learning in the Age of COVID" Part2. LATTICE Fellowship Orientation
November 11, 2020 (1:00 pm-3:00 pm EST) - The second virtual Global LATTICE check-in and conversation
The topic: "Empowering Youth to Become Global Leaders"
October 7, 2020 (12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT) - The first virtual Global LATTICE check-in and conversation
The topic: "Teaching Civic Responsibility in a Politically Charged Climate